Born on a Mountaintop by Bob Thompson
No figure – including that glorious tall-tale-spinner Buffalo Bill Cody – is more riddled with confusion, controversy and misinformation than that hero of the Alamo, David (Davy) Crockett (1876-1836).
Westerns, thrillers, adventure and a whole lot more
No figure – including that glorious tall-tale-spinner Buffalo Bill Cody – is more riddled with confusion, controversy and misinformation than that hero of the Alamo, David (Davy) Crockett (1876-1836).
It’s always a pleasure to learn one is wrong for the right reasons. Until writing this column, I had been under the impression that Hearts of the West, a truly wonderful western comedy from 1975, was unavailable on DVD.
I often find myself pulling down familiar books during the Christmas season. Some, like the Christmas novels of Charles Dickens, are about the holiday itself. Others, like the superb novel Monte Walsh (1963) by Jack Schaefer, have a Christmas-themed chapter that I find irresistible.